Welcome to SunDog Resurrection, an open-source project to bring back and update a classic game from the mid-1980s. My name is Bruce Webster; I'm the co-designer (with Wayne Holder) and principal developer of the original game, SunDog: Frozen Legacy.
SunDog: Frozen Legacy was released in March 1984 for the Apple II computer; an enhanced and improved version was released in 1985 for the Atari ST. Frozen Legacy was envisioined as the first in a trilogy of SunDog games, the other two being Old Scores to Settle and Blows Against the Empire. More details on SunDog itself can be found on my web site.
The impetus for this project comes from the steady stream of e-mails I've received over the past several years from fans of the original SunDog versions, almost all of which ask if an updated version of SunDog is planned for modern platforms, and a number of which offer to help develop such a version.
I've decided on doing an open source version for several reasons:
 I have been fascinated by the open source movements and philosophies and want to see first-hand how it works.
 The commercial game market is brutal, with even great games having a relatively short lifecycle.
 I have no real desire to give up my current private practice.
 I would like to have an open source version of SunDog so that devotees can modify and upgrade it to their heart's content.
 I'd like to be able to play (and enjoy) the version of SunDog that we had always imagined, as opposed to the one constrained by time and technology.
If you'd like to be on the SunDog: Resurrection mailing list(s) or to actually participate in the project, register on SourceForge first, and then e-mail me your SourceForge user ID, with an indication as to where you'd like to contribute.